International Journal of Soil Science and Agronomy

International Journal of Soil Science and Agronomy (IJSSA), ISSN: 1725-3497, Vol. 9(2), pp. 255-262, June, 2022.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Review paper

Soil-Plant Nutrient Availability Enhancements and Retentions Capacity of Biochar Review

1*Leta Ajema Gebisa, 2Wodimagegnehu G/Tsadik

 1,2 Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Wando Genet Awada Agriculture Research Center,

*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]

Accepted 23rd  May, 2022.


Biochar is the solid, carbon-rich material obtained by pyrolysis using different biomasses. The application of biochar to agricultural soils has the potential to greatly improve soil physical, chemical and biological conditions. It has been widely documented in previous studies that, the crop growth and yield can be increased by using biochar. This review exclusively aimed to summarizes a comprehensive review papers or research findings and own preliminary results on the role of biochar in plant nutrients availability and nutrient retentions of agricultural soil basically based on biochar effects on plant available nutrients, biochar nutrient contents and its contribution to the soil, nutrient retention, cation exchange capacity and liming effects of biochar within the soil solution. It has been widely documented in previous studies that, biochar application to the agricultural soil has imperative effects on the crop growth and yield can be increased by using biochar application  on plant available nutrients, nutrient contents and its contribution to the soil, nutrient retention, cation exchange capacity and liming effects of biochar within the soil solution.

Key Words: Amendments, Biochar, CEC, Nutrients Availability, Nutrient Retention

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