Advanced Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Advanced Journal of Medicinal Plant Research ISSN: 2812-3492 Vol. 2 (1), pp. 006-016, November, 2015. © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research paper

Traditional knowledge on medicinal plants used for the treatment of domestic cattle in Dhikura village of Arghakhanchi district, Nepal

Rajendra Acharya,* Dadhiram Marasini** and Devi Prasad Acharya***

*National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH), Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

** Rotepakho community forest, President, Dhikura-4, Sursing, Arghakhanchi, Nepal

***Kusumkhola-9, Darlam, Palpa district, Nepal

Corresponding Author's E-mail:[email protected] 

Accepted 26 May, 2015


Present study was carried out to document ethno-veterinay information for the treatment of livestock diseases in Dhikura village of Arghakhanchi district. Information on the use of plants was collected from October to November, 2014 by interviewing key informants using a semi-structured open-ended questionnaire. The ethno-veterinary surveys of the study area revealed veterinary uses of 54 angiosperms (herbs-22, shrubs-7, trees-20 & climbers-5) used for the treatment of different diseases of domestic cattle. Among life forms studied, herbs was found to be highly medicinal followed by trees; and most medicinal plants of study area was represented by the families- Leguminosae and Moraceae. Besides, it was also found that leaf to be highly medicinal followed by stem/bark for livestock diseases.

Key words: ethno-veterinary, indigenous knowledge, documentation, livestock




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